Thank you for seeking us out, and for considering The Book Group as a place to send your work.

When you’re ready to send us your submission, please email a query letter and 10 sample pages to Please include the name of the agent to whom you are submitting in the subject line of your query email. Please include all materials in the body of the email, as we can’t open attachments.

We only accept electronic queries sent to, and do not accept paper queries or queries by phone.

We receive so many queries that we aren’t able to respond individually to each one. The agent to whom you sent your query will be in touch as soon as possible if they would like to pursue your work.  If you don’t hear from an agent within three months, it means we’re declining the opportunity to represent you.

We understand that you may have sent your query to other agencies. If you receive an offer of representation from another agency, we’d be grateful if you could let us know by sending another email with “offer of representation” in the subject line.

To learn more about what each agent at The Book Group is looking for, please visit the “Staff” section of our website. You are welcome to submit to more than one agent at once at The Book Group; please let us know that you’ve submitted to multiple agents on our team in the body of your query letter.

If we would like to read more of your work, we’ll be in touch as soon as possible. We are not able to respond personally to everyone who sends their material to us, much as we would like to. If you don’t hear from us within three months, it means we feel we’re not the right fit for your work.

While we represent a broad range of fiction and nonfiction, we do not represent theatrical work, or screenplays.

Thank you again for trusting us with your work.


For inquiries not related to representation, please email